I have written three novelettes, four books (I’m working on my fifth which is a dark romance), and other short stories. I self-published one of my memoirs, Moving On and Letting Go, and my novelette, Haunted Tales-Stories to Keep You Up at Night through Amazon KDP. My first book Eden, I sent to a few publishers and received two offers from hybrid publishers. For my second book Survivor, I’m in the process of querying agents.
So far, I’ve applied to and been accepted into four writer’s workshops. One in Ashville, NC at the Biltmore Estate, one in Paris, and one in Tuscany. These three workshops only accepted ten participants per instructor. The other one is The Juniper Institute Summer Writing Institution at the University of Massachusetts, Amhurst for Alina Grabowski’s Intensive Kaleidoscopic Perspective course.
I’ve attended many online lectures. How to Hook Readers and Publishers with Your Opening Pages, The Art and Craft of Writing Powerful Emotions, The Art of Writing Immersive Worlds, Write Like a Wild Thing: 6 Lessons on Crafting an Unforgettable Story, The Art of The Suspense Novel, The Art of Suspense, The Art and Craft of Sound in Creative Writing, and How to Increase Your Chance of a Literary Magazine Acceptance.
I have several certifications through Coursera online: Grammer and Punctuation from the University of California, Irvine. Memoir and Personal Essay: Write About Yourself Specialization, Writing Stories About Ourselves, Managing Your Relationship with the Reader, Writing a Personal Essay, and Writing in First Person POV all from Wesleyan University.
I am a member of an online critique group, Scribophile, and three online writer’s groups-Women Writers, Editors, Agents, and Publishers, Writers and Authors Promotions, and Writers Unite.
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