Merry Christmas

Published on 25 December 2024 at 04:59

Christmas to me is a time of reflection and being with family. We moved away from our family in Georgia last year and went to Florida. 

Christmas wasn't the same. I lost my best friend who was like a mother to me because she was hurt we left, but we're good now. As a matter of fact, our whole family was hurt that we left.

Yes, we drove back up to Georgia for Christmas to see our families, but it didn't feel the same. We stopped by my husband's grandmother's house on our way back to Florida and opened gifts, but it wasn't the same. The old adage, You don't know what you got till it's gone, was never truer than that Christmas.  

We moved back home to Georgia in October, so now, we're back with our families and my best friend and her family, which are my family even though they aren't blood. 

So, this Christmas, be thankful for the family that surrounds you, whether it be blood or not. After all, it's about who's around the tree, not what's under it. 

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